The Power of Old-Fashioned Letters

How the use of personal, handwritten letters still wins hearts

James Christopher
5 min readDec 8, 2023
Female opening letter
Modified source, photograph by cottonbro studio on Pexels

We are recipients of a lot of messages.

We get messages from text, chat, direct messages on social, and an avalanche of emails.

But these rapid channels of communication elicit different kinds of feelings, whether positive or negative.

Digital is not alone; there are analog channels that generate feelings of transience and sameness.

For example, you go to your physical mailbox and find all sorts of flyers, brochures, credit card offers, and scamming-looking envelopes that look official.

Lots of junk. Lots of disappointment.

Occasionally, you get an envelope that looks like a genuine handwritten letter in the bunch. Upon quick inspection, you discover it's another well-crafted real estate advertisement disguised to look intimate, non-transactional and genuine.

You’re disappointed…again.

On rare occasions, you get a letter (often wedding invitations) from someone you know who took time to handwrite a personal note.

You’re thrilled and comforted by the fact that you’re on their mind.



James Christopher
James Christopher

Written by James Christopher

Pen-smith ✍️ of technology, commerce, future trends and modern culture.

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